POTT is a common fund to which our architects, interior designers and all our specialist designers contribute our best. We use this fund in a creative way to win and capture projects and clients. And all great design and ideas are all first put down on paper, everyone has the same white piece but what comes out of it is astonishingly different.
POTT 是集眾人之力而成的創作基金,囊括不同的設計機會去發展所長。以上兩個意義都顯然易明,而紙張對我們亦意義重大,紙張是最普通不過的東西,設計卻能夠把它化腐朽為神奇,透過它把創作展現人前。
Driven by a desire to create something of enduring value in the world. Pott is dedicated to the highest levels of detail and creative expression.