Lok Yuen Beef Ball Noodle Chain 樂園牛丸大王

Lok Yuen Beef Ball Noodle Chain 樂園牛丸大王
Location — Mongkok, Hong Kong
地址 — 旺⻆西洋菜街 · 香港
Date 完工 — 2008
Design Brief — A total revamp for this Chiu Chow noodle chain established in 1960’s
設計概要 — 全面革新, 由室內設計, 型象到平面設計, 希望除了舊擁躉, 可吸引年輕消費群
The Young Revolution
The son took over the family business after his graduation from UK, he had all these new ideas for this traditional noodle chain and he hoped we could work together with him to convince all the old staff and most importantly, his very traditional father.
We worked very closely with the client and also tending to the father’s every enquiry and objection. In the end a balance was achieved with a totally new image including interior and branding but incorporating the already established day to day management with young servers leaded by the old. After renovation of the main shop, other branches shortly followed suit.
由父親於一九六零年代創立, 每天新鮮黃牛製造,全港首屈一指的牛丸大皇。
兒子留學歸來,希望一改街頭牛丸麵店的舊有型象,希望吸引會到咖啡室買三十元一杯咖啡的年輕消費群。不論室內、商標、怎或所有平面設計都沒有把我們難倒,反而是父親的焦慮和疑惑更叫我們費神, 因為把經已成功的生意再革新是需要勇氣和前瞻,最後的完滿結果, 令我們十分鼓舞,客人亦繼而把其他分店翻新。
“匆匆路過旺角, 本來低頭急行的我也忍不住在一間通過明亮的粉麵新舖前駐足停留,三秒鐘後便闖進去嘗試 —其實“樂園” 牛丸的老舖是平日常到覓食之地,味道也熟悉不過,但如今同在旺角區隔幾條街的這一家新店,裝潢就完全叫人眼前一亮:素淨輕淺的牆身,水泥色調地板以至出口地台的較微斜度,都完全一反傳統街坊粉麵店的裝潢,跳出煩雜的旺角鬧市一下子像到了六本木的潮人拉麵店,甚至像到了倫敦大熱十數載的麵店Wagamama” – 歐陽應霽