Tuttimelon 乳酪雪糕連鎖店

Tuttimelon 乳酪雪糕連鎖店
Location — Shatin & Kwun Tong APM – Hong Kong
地址 — 沙田新城市廣場 · 香港
Date 完工 — 2011
Design Brief — Adapting the premium Californian self serve frozen yoghurt chain to Hong Kong
設計概要 — 沿用美國加州總店的設計, 應用於香港非常細小的商場內
Best Froyo from California
Tuttimelon was already a success in California, we needed to adapt their design into local scale.
Comparing to the States, local shops are tiny, we needed to fit giant fridges crammed with fresh fruits, self service yoghurt machines, fruit bar and cashiers into space less than xxx ft2. Also accommodating fruit preparation counters and delivery area, we had a great time solving this geometric puzzle.
All raw materials for the frozen yoghurt are shipped from California, and the fruits are freshest from market, our design team could barely contained their excitement when we were invited to their openings.
Tuttimelon 與於美國加州已是一個成功的乳酪雪糕連鎖店, 我們拿著他們設計藍圖,面對最大的困難是面積比例的問題。
冰櫃、 制造乳酪機、 生果儲存、 食物準備等等,都需要很大的空間; 兩間舖位都是比平常矮, 我們花了許多時間和心息於佈局上,把碩大的加州店放進了香港商場內。