Next Hair Salon & Spa 髮型及美容中心

Next Hair Salon & Spa 髮型及美容中心
Location — The Centrium, Central, Hong Kong
地址 — 中環中央廣場.香港
Date 完工 — 2005
Design Brief — Hair & beauty salon by Il Coupl serving celebrities and executives working in Central
設計概要 — Il Coupl 為名流名星及尊貴客戶開設的分店
Paradise Island in Office Building
Instead of the usual sparkling & very clean image of Il Coupl, we decided to build an airy deserted island. We believed business executives and celebrities would like to escape to an isolated island from their busy lives, to have a moment of reflection so to speak.
Customers were greeted by a coconut white reception, bamboo floors and plants throughout the salon, nothing glamorous or edgy. We hope customers could unarm and take a breather on an island far away from civilization.
Il Coupl 旗下的髮廊都耀目前衛,這兒我們選擇了較冷靜和自然的設計,因為這兒離中環核心較遠,同一棟大廈內又有最多尊貴會員的瑜珈中心,所以我們猜想願意到來的客人都比較愛靜或方便運動,比較注重身心健康。
接待處用了一體玻璃纖維倒模而成的圓島,溫柔地歡迎每一位客人到來。物料上我們選用了竹地板、玻璃、 植物及其他無毒素原料,顏色亦保持自然柔和,希望顧客覺舒適自在,沒有尊貴髮廊的壓力。