Philosophy Spa Tsuen Wan

Philosophy Spa Tsuen Wan
New Economy
The last instalment opened in respond to customers’ demand.
Tsuen Wan had quietly became an area with high spending power, they rival TST and CWB. But the customers were mature with a no nonsense attitude. They demand service and products that really worth their money they are immune to sales jargons and impulse buying but they are loyal customers if you could win them over with professionalism.
This spa had minimal decoration compare to the previous instalments, with a clinical touch creating a sense of trust and seriousness. This spa also marked a very enjoyable and successful launch of a spa group, we appreciated very much client’s trust and letting us to have such freedom in design & execution.
我們為Millistrong International LTD設計的第六間中心。
這裡是Spa ph+ 最素淨的分店,平實整潔;我們只取用了2種和其他分店相同的設計原素,就是接待處和蕾絲玻璃牆走廊,但顏色都比較恬淡,希望感覺比較低調,讓不愛奢華的顧客安心自在。
Location — City Landmark, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
地址 — 荃灣城市中心.香港