Philosophy Spa Central

Philosophy Spa Central
Spa Philosophy
Client won the exclusive right to distribute Philosophy skincare from the states, it was one of the brands in vogue.
No design brief was given by client except the location. A building housing some of the most expensive dentists, doctors and other professional services in Central. Therefore we settled for a sophisticated style, targeting business executives and tai tai’s frequenting Central who demands only the best.
我們為Millistrong International LTD設計的第一間中心。
客人代理了當時十分受歡迎的護膚品Philosophy,並決定於各區開設以Philosophy作招徠的美容纖體水療中心,及後易名為spa ph+。
開幕不久 Philosophy Spa 便十分成功,三年內我們為客人設計了六間水療中心,應不同地區各有不同的設計主題,當中有間是位於長江實業的嵐岸樓盤會所內。
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