Philosophy Spa Tsim Sha Tsui

Philosophy Spa Tsim Sha Tsui


Fun Fair

Again no design brief was given by client except the location.  With mainlanders and office ladies in mind, we knew we could implement design that were more daring and intricate.

Since the shopping scene was very congested at that area, we created a capsule at the reception very much like a disinfection chamber, stripping off customers of all the dirt and noise from outside, readying them for the refreshing treatments waiting for them.

As mainlanders demanded constant visual impacts and new experiences, we created surprises at every area, trying to feed their senses with colours, textures, lightings and smells from every corner of the spa.  We enjoyed the design process when we had an audience with open mind and hungry appetite.


掌握了顧客統計資料,工程預算和服務項目後,我們便進行設計創作。顧客主要為內地客人,她們喜歡誇張的設計和對比強烈的色彩,所以尖沙咀分店是6間 spa ph+ 當中擁有最多不同設計原素和物料配搭,而店內的分區亦用了顏色去劃分。

樓下名店林立,女士進門後會踏入一個純白的接待處,隨著流水的洗禮,暫時忘卻物質生活;經過一條小石路,走進科幻的玻璃箱,女士可一邊美甲,一邊遠眺綠油油的風景。往裡走又是完全不同感覺的遂道, 每走幾步燈光和景象都在變,通往一扇扇實現變美的門。

Location — Toy House, TST – Hong Kong
地址 — 尖沙咀彩星中心 · 香港

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